Friday, 27 November 2009

Time to keep my promises...

Id promised myself time to do a little project of my own for the kitchen. We live in a new build home and unfortunately I feel the kitchen lacks a soul. As I love to cook and as a busy mum (understatement of the week) I spend a lot of time in there so my venture and challenge was to try to make the place feel more homely. I had an idea for a patchwork piece to reflect the love in the house (sometimes when the children are not fighting) plus I wanted a country feel.
The wooden piece embelishment was from a local garden centre and the patchwork cat was saved from a redundant pair of my daughters jeans..(those cats just get everywhere.)
I had great fun playing with the sewing machine , seamstress I am not so this was a challenge but I pleased with the results and it looks lovely in the kitchen just the look I want
ed. xxx.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah, this is just stunning - I bet it looks wonderful in your kitchen!

Good on you for finishing this project! ;o) {thanks for your comment on my blog, it did make me chuckle.. I'm relieved I'm not the only one to leave stuff unfinished..}