Friday, 11 December 2009

Where does time go?

Finally I seem to have a handle on the Christmas festivities with parties and carol concerts well under way I felt the need to catch up.
The house is looking very festive well at least until the kids land home from school and then it looks like something the goverment would like to hide from the masses....
Ive gone for a more modern feel this year at least in the main lounge area anyway. I felt the children would love the gentle blue lights and white tree for a change. Some may think its not traditionally christmassy but then you enter the conservatory and its a real transformation, beautiful warm reds and golds, relaxing twinkling garlands and beautiful santas , much more 'grown up'.
As the count down begins and the children begin to run on hyperdrive for the next two weeks I can only think about surviving the mayhem which is a Perham family christmas.
I have gone to great lengths to ensure my survival by pre chilling at least six bottles of champagne and a litre bottle of Baileys...... sure to survive now....!!!

Theres not many hiding places left in the house that father christmas doesn't know about (or the children I suspect) and we are busting at the seams with presents for friends and loved ones.

This week I found myself writing my fathers christmas card , the hardest thing I have had to do , not knowing what to write as I know this is his last christmas time with us.
He has been transfered to a local cottage hospital now to make it easier for visiting friends from the village and his wife, all we can hope for is a comfortable dignified stay and cherish the times we spend with him now.

This weekend is a round of social activity and X factor final, Im going to be glued to the gogglebox cheering for my little Joe to win... Who you backing?
Good luck to all the finalist and especially my little gordie pal Joe...xxxxxx

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