Such a thought provoking image but so truely represents where Im at.
The blackness and despair is clear and the self protected pose , how true,
Again Im feeling lost in so many areas of my life and yet feeling guilty at the very thought
when clearly it appears I have it all right?
No................. wrong........
All I ever wanted was to feel happy and safe, loved and wanted, I want to be someones world just as they are to mine and not in a motherly way, that goes without saying, they are my very soul, my adourable angels all 6 (7) of them.
What right do I have to be sad or feel neglected when I am a wealthy woman in many senses of the word?
Creatively I find it harder to be inspired by anything other than these thoughtful images and yet there is so many thing to work upon.
I am blessedto have a job that I love , yet finding it difficult to focuss completely.
Hormonal? Perhaps...
Tired? Definately....
Sickening......sadly yes...
Happy sadly no,
Couldn't read your post without responding.
Uou have a busy life with 6 kids to raise.
You sound like you could use some pampering yourself. Is there someone who could take on the family for the day and give you some pampering time.
I hope the days ahead bring you more joy...sometimes a gratefu;l journal helps me...Just a notebook from the dollar store that you prettify the cover and jot down at least one thing a day that you are grateful for.
you might surprise yourself and find 10 or even 20.
Hope the sun breaks through those shadows soon.
Hugs and take care
Thanks mo, just been a difficult time and looks like im just riding into the storm. Hate being in a dark place and not being able to see the path. x
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